A pitch deck is a presentation that business owners create when looking for a round of funding from investors. Pitch decks typically have no more than 19 slides.
Usually, founders tend to create 2 versions of their decks. One version,typically sent over email, tends to have a lot of text and information. Whereas the second is the one is more heavily focused on the design, visuals and the main information.
When initially starting your pitch, it is important to keep in mind that it has to be simple, compelling and clear. The companies that ensure to follow
Firstly, most important step is to observe. Meaning that the best way to prepare yourself is to watch other founders pitch their decks and note down their pros and cons, and listen to the feedback given. This would work as a free tool as it helps you understand what you should and shouldn’t say or include in your deck. At EC we host monthly Startup Pitch Competitions in front of an Investor Panel.
Talk to a member of our staff here to pitch.
Secondly, you need to recognise the content that needs to be included in your deck, these being:
- Problem
- Solution
- Product
- Financials
- Competition
- Market
- Traction
- Team
- Amount being raised
You may find more information on this by reading our blog, ‘Top 5 pitch deck tips for startups’ .
Thirdly, make sure to ‘study’ the deck and know it by heart. It is important to understand what you’re talking about instead of attempting to memorize it. Which shouldn’t be an issue considering you are talking about something you’ve put blood sweat and money into, reason why you are requesting for funds.
Lastly but not least, get enough rest, be confident and sound persuasive!