Customer Avatar

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Customer avatar, also Known as Buyer/Marketing Persona, is essentially a fictional figure that represents who our ideal customers are, so we can find them more easily. In other words, it’s a detailed profile of the perfect customer for your business. This is perfect to understand what your ideal customer looks like. Also, their habits, interests, challenges, aspirations, in fact everything about them. This way you also clarify your clients’ needs, pain points, and wants. 

Knowing your target market is extremely important if you want them to buy your product/service. It plays a crucial role in your business success, especially in hard times when people change their spending habits rapidly. In addition, they will make your marketing strategies much more effective, as it will be a lot more specific. 

Steps to Create your Customer Avatar

Name: We know it’s all fictional, but giving it a name, like Joe or Amy, helps make your avatar easy to imagine, reference and remember.

Background: To fully know a person, you must know its past. Figure out what role your customer avatar played in life or their company, that makes your offers be relevant to them.

Demographics: It helps you identify your persona’s characteristics and traits. On this step, you have to identify people, based on their age, gender, income, kids, habits, hobbies, job status, location, religion, race, or anything relevant to your business. This is crucial to understand how to market to consumers and plan for emerging consumer demands.

Psychographics: makes it easy for you to understand why they buy your products. It  helps you understand what your audience enjoys and what their hobbies, values, and beliefs are. Psychographics is where you get to fully use your imagination and create someone’s brain.

Dreams & Goals: Knowing what your perfect client wants to achieve in life, can tell you a lot about this person. It will give you a hint on what are their values, what they stand for, how their future looks, etc. 

Challenges: This step helps you to understand how you are able to help him/her. It’s important to be aware of the challenges and pain points your audience is going through. These are challenges that you can provide solutions for. There are ways to identify them, if you can’t think of any. For example, you can create customer surveys, and get some feedback, directly from your real and current customers.

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